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Try to locate the "Slatyfork Mountain Bike Guide" anywhere but ERTC or Snowshoe. They support taking our trails away through wilderness designation. The map is invaluable and should be available at other locations. I'll check who the printer is and try to post info for locating one. There are a bunch of great trails on this map and some suggested rides that are great. To ride Props Run it's recommended to shuttle unless you like a 6 mile climb on Gravel Rd. and then a few more miles out the ridge. My favorite ride is to park one vehicle at Mine Rd. (FR24) just south of Slatyfork and use another vehicle and begin our ride at Gauley Mtn. Trail on Scenic Rt. 150. Ride Gauley Mtn Trial to Mine Rd., go left on mine road off Gauley Mtn. Trail, then stay right at all the remaining intersections. You will see the sign for props after a large stand of pines on top a hill and then going down a grade with a wide parking area on the right as the road levels. Look back to your right. Note a beautiful overlook of the valley when you pass Sharps Knob. For an extra view, go up the little double track on the left and get a couple more views from ontop the old strip mine area before continuing. Once you reach the Props Run trailhead, ride down Props, which comes out right at ERTC. Please just ride through their parking area and don't spend your money at their business, take a right on Rt.219 and ride about 1.2 miles to Mine Rd. and your vehicle. It's about 19 miles total. If you don't have a shuttle but want to ride this, we usually park at Mine Rd. parking area, ride up Mine Rd. past Gauley Mountain Trial and follow the directions above from that point. It's still about 20 miles that way.


A shuttle is the best way to access this trail. At least 8 miles of this trail is downhill on a slight grade. Sweet singletrack, however making the loops you will have some gravel road in it. It's worth it though. Even though it is downhill, you will need to pedal most the time, you will keep up a good pace. Just watch for the drainage crossings, roots, rocks, logs, etc. This is an extremely fun trail that will challenge even the best riders. However, it is not so technical that an intermediate rider can't enjoy it. There are only a couple places that require advanced skills. With shuttle about 9 miles from Trail head at top of mtn. to ERTC. If shuttle from Rt.150 (Gauley Mtn Trail) about 19 miles. If riding loop up Mine Rd. about 16 or 17 miles with a long climb.<br />